Elementary Montessori Materials:-

Kidken Specializes in manufacturing premium Montessori materials designed specifically for elementary-aged children (6+ years). As educators, we know that hands-on learning is at the heart of Montessori education, and we are proud to provide schools with the tools they need to support the growth and development of young learners.

Kidken Montessori materials are crafted with precision and care, ensuring they meet the highest standards of quality, durability, and educational value. Whether you’re an established Montessori school or just starting your educational journey, our materials help nurture a child’s independence, critical thinking skills, and love for learning.

Why Choose Montessori Materials for Elementary Education?

Montessori materials for children aged 6+ years are specifically designed to bridge the gap between concrete experiences and abstract thinking. These materials encourage children to engage in self-directed learning while deepening their understanding of core subjects like mathematics, geography, science, and language.

By using tangible, hands-on tools, Montessori educators can guide children through complex concepts, helping them make connections and develop problem-solving skills that last a lifetime. As children in the elementary years move from the concrete to the abstract, Montessori materials like the Decimal System, Geometric Solids, and Fraction set provide the perfect balance of structure and flexibility.

We Manufacture complete range of Elementary Montessori as per Montessori standards and many Elementary Schools are using our products both in India and outside India. Pls browse through this category to see all products that we Manufacture.


Showing all 40 results

Logical Analysis Set of 4 Boards

SKU: L017

In stock


Filler Boxes set of 35

SKU: L019

In stock


Grammar Symbols 2D Shapes

SKU: L020

In stock


Grammar Symbols Solids

SKU: L021

Out of stock


Noun and Verb Solids

SKU: L022

In stock


Fractions Set Wooden

SKU: M035

In stock


Horizontal Frame

SKU: M034

In stock


Fractions Skittles

SKU: M037

In stock


Long Division Set

SKU: M038

In stock


Arrows for complete bead material

SKU: M040

In stock


Complete Bead Material Only Box

SKU: M041

Out of stock


Deccanomial Bead Bars

SKU: M050

In stock


Peg Board

SKU: M045

In stock


Decimal Fraction Material

SKU: M046

Out of stock


Complete Bead Material without box

SKU: M039

Out of stock


Fraction Cut Outs 1/11 to 1/20

SKU: M048

Out of stock


Fraction Cut Outs 1 to 1/10

SKU: M047

Out of stock


Long Chains with stand

SKU: M043

In stock


Square Root Board with bead box

SKU: M053

In stock


Volumetric Material

SKU: M051

In stock


Square Root Charts

SKU: M052

In stock


Cube for Pink Tower

SKU: M056

In stock


Brown Stairs Prism

SKU: M057

In stock


Colour Counting Bars

SKU: M058

In stock


Volume Box with 250 cubes

SKU: M059

In stock


Yellow Prisms

SKU: M060

Out of stock


Pythagoras Board

SKU: M061

In stock


Metal Volume Containers

SKU: M054

Out of stock


Stick Material

SKU: M065

In stock


Area Apparatus

SKU: M067

In stock


Geometric Tiles

SKU: M055

Out of stock


Board for Stick Material

SKU: M066

In stock


Power of 2 cube

SKU: M072

In stock


Power of 3 cube

SKU: M073

In stock


Geometrical Hierarchy of Numbers

SKU: M077

Out of stock


Yellow Cube

SKU: M078

Out of stock


Decimal Chequer Board

SKU: M074

In stock


Cubing Material

SKU: M068

Out of stock


Grammar Boxes 8

SKU: L018

In stock
